Super Star Wars(SNES) Review
Super Star Wars is a Super NES game based on the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope which was released in 1992 and re-released on the Virtual Console in 2009. Super Star Wars is essentially a platform game, although it has stages which feature other challenges, such as driving a landspeeder or piloting an X-wing. It also features multiple playable characters with different abilities. Gameplay Super Star Wars is a remake of Star Wars, a lesser-known game released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System, Game Boy and Game Gear. Originally, the game design was planned to give the characters a dark black outline around their bodies, similar to Ultima VIII: Pagan. However, this idea was abandoned, as it was thought to make the characters too cartoonish-looking. The final boss in the game is Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced x1. There was a trash compactor level that was deleted from the game due to memory constraints. An image was published in an issue of Electro...